Wednesday, May 09, 2007

Things I still don't know:

One measure of a human's successful integration with his environment is the ability to know what he doesn't know. In other words, generating a complete list of one's ignorance is a fundamental step towards controlling the risks attendant to life its ownself.

If you do this right, the list just gets longer and longer. It can become very daunting, especially when you compare it to the list of things you do know. Which is why many people get disheartened and concentrate on feeling empowered by the list of the things they do know. This is like putting on blinders and then trying to cross a field across which mighty pendulums are swinging; with the blinders you have no chance to see what's coming from the sides.

Here are a few things I don't know:

What scotch tastes like
How often Paris Hilton bathes
What the half life of fresh Twinky is
The names of every gay teenager in Palestine
If there is a meteorite approaching the Earth with my name on it
My weight at death
If everyone has a price
etc., etc.

Some of these things can never be known. Some can. I have to decide which ones are important and act accordingly.

What don't you know?


The Guv'ner said...

I DO know that the half life of a Twinkie is probably the same as the full life. You can bury one of those suckers in the garden, come back 20 years later and it will be in the same state as when you buried it, I am convinced. I might need to test that theory.

However, I do NOT know:

How many bubbles are in a can of soda

How many stabs from a kitchen knife it would take to silence Bill O'Reilly forever...

If Paris Hilton has a penis.

paperback reader said...

Things I do know:

- How to spell "Twinkie."
- Palestine's gay teen is named Fred.
- How Scotch tastes...on my stepfather's tongue.

Things I don't know:

- God's approximate size, using the English System of Measurement.
- Who keeps paying to see John Travolta movies.
- The love of a woman.
- The major reasons for the dissolution of the Dutch East India Trading Company.

L. said...

I don't know:

-what will happen to watermelon seed-spitting contests now that the seedless variety is so popular...

-if global warming is what is making my normally straight hair begin to curl...

-if Owen will ever really call me 'Grammie' or if he will just think that it is a silly name...

-if the weather forecasters will ever get their hurricane season predictions correct...

-what plastic surgeons really think about while doing breast augmentations...

-if we will find out in the future that greasy, fried food is the key to a long life...

-if there will be peace in my children's and grandchildren's lifetime.

-why I am sitting here doing this when I have so much to do today...only for you, Bertsky!

Nessa said...

I don't know:

paper or plastic;

if my dreams of immortality will come true;

why I like sweet and sour;

how to tie a cherry stem with my tongue;

who keeps buying Ann Coulter's books;

when the JW's will finally get the date of the end of the world correct.

T said...

I don't know nothing...


why every shot in golf isn't better than the last

if you will ever taste scotch

if my penis really has a mind of its own

if Al Gore will die from Global Cooling

how many times I will say 'bitchin' the rest of my life

how many times you will refer to Paris Hilton

Anonymous said...

what i don't know:

why men are so fascinated with titties?

if a tree falls in the woods and no one is there to hear it, does it make a sound?

what rhymes with orange?

why they put vitamins and minerals in coke plus? did we really need that?

Incognito said...

I do know: Tiwnkies can kill you (all that crap in them) and make you kill.. remember Dan White's Twinky Defense? ;-)

I dont know:

When I'm going to die

Who's going to win American Idol (and who cares)

If I'm going to have to take up arms if I'm forced to wear a Burqa


Jana said...

I don't know what happened to the clever and whitty posting I put on here last night. Either I offended Berts sensitivity in some way, or I hit the erase button, either way, you missed out.

Incognito said...

jana, it happens all the time if you don't input the correct word verification letters and you close the window. Happens to me all the time, on my own blog to boot. Just figured it out.
Make sure it says 'published'.

Bert Bananas said...

I don't know why, I just do . . .