Thursday, May 31, 2007

Foo Foo

Foo Foo is the two word phrase I use to describe hoity-toity-ness. As is, she was way to foo foo for the likes of me, or, Mexico is not a very foo foo nation.

I was in a Nordstrom's yesterday. It's way to involved to explain why I was there. But I didn't feel as badly as I might have, given that I found a 'premo' parking spot and beat another car to it. That car was driven by an adult female Hispanic with a car load of Hispanic teenage girls. It was a Taurus and she had five girls in the front passenger seats, and at least nine in the back seat. As I pulled in to the spot, she began honking. I finished parking, got out and approached the still-honking Mexi-harridan, motioning in time-honored tradition, "Hey, what's up?" She rolled down her window and began complaining that she was entitled to the spot. I told her she wasn't, which was 100% true, I had seen it first and gotten to it first, it wasn't a case of her waiting there. Her retort was that if I were a gentleman I would do the right thing. I said that I might, but only for a lady. There were "oooooo's" from the back seat. I walked away and she flpped me off as she drove by me. So I waited til she was out of sight and then moved my vehicle. No way was I going to let it stay there! You have no idea what Hispanics are capable of!!

Once I was done with my business in Nordstom's, I stopped to take this photo:

There were FIVE different counters devoted to women's make up and the application of women's make up! That's how foo foo this store is. Except for some Rodeo Dr. establishments, Nordstom's is about as foo foo as SoCal gets. Certainly no other major SoCal chain even comes close, in terms of foo foo-ness.

When I met my wife, she had a Nordstrom's account. She once ran into an ex-girl friend of mine in Nordstom's. They were in the same elevator, each with a stroller. Liz told me that I did the right thing marrying her, because the ex-girl friend's baby was ugly. It's nice when you have such graphic confirmation of a prior decision. My wife is in total agreement that she is no longer foo foo, if she ever was. I take full credit!


T said...

It's too bad that you didn't get a shot of the Hispanic woman and her 14 illegitimate children standing in line at the nearby Taco Bell or 99cent store.

Tell Liz happy birthday for me.

Another note: Your (home) items are due in next Wed.

Bert Bananas said...

regarding the home items, I'm busy next Wednesday morning...

paperback reader said...

Here's how you know you're not overly foo foo: you say "foo foo" instead of "frou frou." "Foo foo," naturally, is a bunny's surname, and if you've ever been to high tea at their place, you know how simple those beasts are.

I'm glad you didn't fight the carload of folks. I picked a fight with a carload of clowns once, and while I took the first thirteen, they just kept getting out of that damn car and eventually overwhelmed me.

Incognito said...

Hate to tell you Bertski... they have Nordstrom's outside of CA. :-)