Sunday, May 20, 2007

I found this fascinating!

If you have an interest in disputing with the Al Gore's and Leo D'Cup-rio's, you might enjoy taking this test. One thing that's cool about it is that when you guess incorrectly, it give you info about why you might have guessed the way you did and why it's incorrect. What you should do at that point is scroll down to the bottom and click on the link back to that question so you can take another guess. You'll learn something from each wrong answer, as well as from the correct answer.

After you finish the test, your reaction will tell you whether you're an independent thinker or just another hanger-on.

For those of you still looking for more laughs, check DeCaprio's comments at the Cannes Film Festival about humanity's bleak future...

Thanks to Ms. Incognito for featuring this global warming test in her delightful blog, Confessions of a Closet Republican.


Incognito said...

Why, thank you kindly sir... for the sweet compliment.. :-) I had no idea..

paperback reader said...

I think that environmentalism would do a lot better if:

a) they got actually likable people to endorse their worldview ("The guy from Titanic wants to tell me how many squares of TP to use? Where does he get off?")

b) The people who do endorse it weren't so damned sanctimonious about themselves. The world doesn't need any more Bonos.

Oh, and once the quiz told me, "That's right - how did you know? Tom Brokaw didn't tell you!" I stopped taking it, because while I'm fairly anti-media myself, that was a weak snap and Brokaw hasn't been an anchor for over a year now.

Nessa said...

I have been trying to tell all of the alarmists in my circle of friends and relatives this stuff for years. While I think we should all do what we can to live "clean", I know this stuff is nothing new, just the latest do gooder stuff.