Monday, April 30, 2007

Today is Blog Silence Day

Silence is Golden, so shut your Blog Hole, was the other contender for the title of this post. "Shut your Blog Hole" will soon be part of the English-speaking world's vernacular. I've invented other words and phrases, so it's no big thing for me; I take it totally in stride, like that guy who has won the big prize in four state lottos.

Blog Silence Day is meant to be like that, "let us observe ten seconds of silence of all those suffering from erectile dysfunction" and everyone bows their heads, except for the camera men who compete for interesting shots, mostly looking for people who don't look tearful about the horrors of ED. (ED and it's companion EM, Erectile Malfunction, are often confused with the cure, ER, Erectile Resurrection, which is a very beautiful thing.)

Blog Silence Day is in observance of 'those who died at Virginia Tech.' Please take into consideration, if you're of that bent, to remember the two aborted fetii who were sucked into oblivion that day at the behest of their 'mothers,' both of whom were undergraduates at VT.

None of the dead have had anything to say about today's observance. Their loved ones, in the majority, are irked at how the memories of the dead are being trivialized. But to me the overriding tragedy of Shut Your Blog Hole Day is that there is no post by Grammie. I shake my fists at the heavens in anger that it has come to this! Oh, the Humanity!!!


paperback reader said...

I find it difficult to ever shut my blog hole. In fact, the only reason I have this blog is because I felt I wrote too often already, and needed a second outlet for my ridiculous output.

Surprisingly, my impressive blog-based output is indirectly proportional to my work output, and as a result, I may soon be put out by my place of employ.

Unknown said...

My husband told me to type this for him. I said, "type it yourself, you rotten pap smear." Now he's holding his gun to my head, so:

"If I didn't have so much work, I wouldn't need to blog so much. It's a sign of our times, like when the third base coach touches his groin repeatedly and then winks."

Incognito said...

interesting phrase you've come up with. but won't be easy for those blog addicted blogholes.

Brits and Irish used to say "shut your gob".. kinda sounds the same.

T said...

I had pretty much put the VT massacre on the back burner of my brain stem, thus involuntarily maintaining my silence, -until I read your memorandum.

This blog of yours is like ES, Erectile Semi, when neither the penis OR the mind can make a choice, and they're equally frustrated. Oh the Humility!!!

Mary Lois said...

I thought this was a weird-ass blogpost -- posting not to post, as it were -- then I went to grammie's blog and found out it was true!

Too late for me, alas, at least on my food blog I had already informed my readers how to open a can of beans, and too late for Justin who had already posted that he couldn't think of anything to write about, and God knows how many others just trod blithely over the ban on blogholes today. Oh the humungity!

paperback reader said...

I need a wife to type things for me, except that then, all my characters who are clearly just me but two years older (making it "fiction") would be described far more often as jerks.

Who decided this, anyway? I suggest a vote of no confidence in them, and then I can feel fine about ignoring them.

Come to think of it, I feel fine ignoring them already.

L. said...

Such cynicism and love all in one post...

Not to worry, I will be posting tomorrow.... : )


Jana said...

I can't be silent for the dead from VT when there's boys and girls dying every day in Iraq. WHY OH WHY would the flag be flown at 1/2 mast for students when not for the soldiers? Flags didn't fly at 1/2 mast for the kids from Littleton Colorado. Why is one death more note-worthy than another?
Gattina had an interesting notation in her blog that the police in Belgium have to lock their guns in their lockers at work after their shifts are done. This is in reponse to a policeman shooting and killing his wife with his service piece. Good idea.

Nessa said...

My blog hole has been shut for a couple of weeks now.