Friday, April 27, 2007

Sexual Robots

Don't kid yourself... If you have any notion as to how 'popular' sexually explicit images and videos are, and you're realistic about how far people are prepared to go in any direction they have an interest, then you'll understand where I'm going here.

Thanks to HBO, I'm aware that there already are machines whose sole purpose is to give sexual pleasure. Throughout history there have been cultures which felt that this was the best role a female could serve. Because my wife is such a good cook, I'm prepared to debate against this proposition.

Money being the neat thing that it is, it will be sooner rather than later, that the different technologies involved will get together and meet the two needs, the need for money and the need for sex.

And ultimately there will come the day that you read on Drudge that some old geezer or geezerette has left a fortune to a personal sexual robot.

Okay, okay, I'll admit it... In the early 80s I had a bit of a reputation as a sexual robot. I'm not proud of it, but I'm going to keep my head held high...

1 comment:

paperback reader said...

I just hope the people programming these machines watch Blade Runner to see what can happen if their programming goes awry. Still, if I've got to die, having Darryl Hannah circa 1982 wrap her legs around my neck and squeeze 'til I pop will ensure I die doing what I love: ogling women's goods. Beats a slow death via global warming, that's for sure.