Saturday, April 28, 2007

Wherein I Admit Knowing No Shame . . .

I was raised by Wolfs. Ana and Roger Wolf, to be exact. Their daughter, Tracy, was instrumental in the launch of my foray into the majesty of heterosexual comedy, which never really gets the attention it deserves in coming of age movies.

But besides the Wolfs, and especially Tracy, there were John Wayne movies, Warner Bros. cartoons and Disney Comics. Also Victory At Sea and the Lawrence Welk Show. And no, I never even got to meet the Lennon Sisters. And although I probably could find and walk up to the youngest one's door, I won't. I've moved on.

I got an email the other day showing Eddie Haskell, Wally and the Beaver as they are today. I suppose that 'age' will one day strike me down similarly. I found a photo of the Lennon Sisters as they look today, but you can barely recognize them as human, what with all the air-brushing that was done.

Anyway, like most of us, I am a product of my times. Which I think is a tremendous basis on which to believe in the "Terrorist Threat" from the Middle East, because there isn't a terrorist alive who has ever heard of the Junior Woodchucks.


katrocket said...

Wow, I had no idea that John's four sisters were such talented foxes, though I'm suspicious that the gal at 6 o'clock is really Cybill Shepherd. I learn something new everyday from you, Mr. Bananas!

Jana said...

I'm confused--which isn't a big step for me, being a gray-blond. Are you saying your sister was instrumental in launching you into the heterosexual comedy? Wha??

Bert Bananas said...

No, Jana! The family that lived next door, and who had a long, complicated Scandinavian surname, had a significant part in raising me. I changed the name to Wolf so I could have fun with the "I was raised by wolves" cliche. And Tracy wasn't their daughter's name, but that didn't stop her from being seminal in my development as a sexual comedian.

paperback reader said...

Who's John Wayne, old man?

I kid, I kid. He's that guy who played Genghis Khan in The Conqueror. I don't think he ever made another picture, so that's a pretty obscure reference.

I don't know who the Lennon sisters are, but I doubt they were any more or less noteworthy than Dexy and the Midnight Runners. I could continue countering your childhood memories with my own, but they would make me feel like an infant and you like a wizened sage. Point being, it was all crap, but it was our crap.