Monday, April 23, 2007

This One is Going to Shock You!

That I should be the one to explain Life on Earth! even astounds me. I would have expected that Stevie Hawkins or, before he died, Carl Sagan, would have been the one to explain this to Humanity. But that's life for you. Weirdness, in alternating shades of chromatic chords.

So here it is, ready or not:

When the earth coalesced from a cloud of swirling inert matter and formed the spinning ball we all love and adore, it was barren of life. And it remained so until that fateful day when a figurative "bus-load" of vaguely humanoid beings on their way to some type of celebration stopped to figuratively "change a tire" and while doing so, emptied the "bathroom's" holding tank. 15.6 gallons of goopy, smelly poop & piss were dumped on a patch of ground in the middle of Pangaea. Then the "bus" flew off and the rest is history...

So you genealogy fanatics, that's the point in time you're trying to back-track to. We are definitely all related and ultimately none of us is descended from royalty.


paperback reader said...

Carl Sagan's program 'Cosmos' did teach me that I don't like Carl Sagan's program 'Cosmos.' I want to make sure he gets credit for that, at least.

Bert Bananas said...

So why do you wear your hair like he did?

T said...

Pangaea? -must've been the Skid Row, Washington D.C. or Baghdad part. Right under our noses and we couldn't smell it out (or maybe you did).

paperback reader said...

Just because Carl Sagan was boring doesn't mean that he wasn't apparently traveling through space, and therefore the world's greatest authority on Hairstyles of the Future.

Chris the Hippie said...

Lends credence to the well-known phrase "I am but a mere molocule floating in a fifty-foot cesspool of stench; do not heckle my wretchedness." (I don't know how well-known that phrase is, but it's on a sign hanging over the lone PC in our Mac-oriented department.) Never thought I'd turn out to be related to the molocule...

paperback reader said...

You do look a little like a molecule, now that you mention it. Mostly in the ears.