Sunday, April 08, 2007

Which Title Pricks Your Interest More?

The Dawn of Enlightenment


The Don of Enlightenment

Personally, I like the second one better because it's the road less traveled. Right away you think of a Mafia Don who opens up a closed society and enriches it with new learning. He's beloved of his people and he loves them back. He has a daughter on whom he dotes and when she's kidnapped he reverts to what his people do best, get revenge. His daughter is recovered, but she's now pregnant, having had an egg "quickened" (oh man, that scene was HOT!) by the Don's mortal enemy, Giuseppe Pastrami, often referred to as the Don of the Dark Ages. From there the action crescendos to thermonucular(sic) war between gouda and weevil, their respective pet hamsters.

Now in production at Miramar Studios.


T said...

How cool!
Mini-mammal War Games. Too bad their greasy paws keep slipping off the red button.

Neoma said...

I used to live a block away, well maybe three blocks away from the studio capital of West LA. I know this isn't relevant, but just wanted to share. haha

I am confused with this post, because I am not sure this is serious, or you are just kidding, it sounds like a episode of "The Sopranos"

I am beginning to get a feel for your sense of humor....however, I am a very serious person, so I get confused easily, oh, I am also gulible.

T said...

How about "The Don of Entitlement"?