Tuesday, April 03, 2007


A fellow blogger (bloggerette?) has officially 'tagged' me. Apparently if I do not honor the 'tag' I will be covered in fungus by the morrow. I'll try to respond to the tag, but I shall not 'tag' seven others, even if as a result my nostrils turn inside out, thus allowing me to use my nasal cilia to more vividly display my emotions.

Here's the message I got: Hi Bertsky....I was recently "tagged" to post 7 songs that were either special to me, my favorites, or that I was listening to at the present time....It is called a music meme (??) and I am supposed to pass it on to 7 others when I got done.

First off... "Bertsky"?

Well, I love it! I can imagine a sultry wood nymph twisting my forelock into an intricate curly Q while whispering sweet "Bertsky Wertskys" in my cauliflower ear. Even just thinking about it has my pants in a dither.

Regarding songs I listen to, as in they come on and I listen, that's a very limited field. I could list seven Paul Shanklin parodies I've heard, from listening to Rush Limbaugh, but while this does serve as a meme of genuinely genuine genuineness, it's not what the game is looking for.

So here is a list of seven songs that are special to me:

Handel's Messiah (Not just the Hallelujah Chorus! The whole darn shootin' match! I had a four LP album and every Christmas when I was growing up, I'd listen to it and plot my revenge on Kris Kringle for what he was not going to do for me.)

Concierto de Aranjuez, by Rodrigo (Swear to god this really happened. I'm on a first date with a girl who worked in an office next to mine. We're driving home from the movie and she's flipping stations and gets to a classical station. I've been a nut about the Concierto de Aranjuez since I first heard it. I had the LP. I knew it backwards and forwards. Well, it's playing. She knew it, and figuring I was as yokel-ly as my appearance portended, she said that she would commit unspeakable acts of a fornicative nature on my person if I could name the piece that was playing before it ended. I quickly listed a number of unspeakable acts of a fornicative nature and asked if they were included and she said they were. And so I then named the song. She backed out of the deal, pleading a headache...)

The Purple People Eater, by Sheb Wooley (I lost my virginity to this little ditty.)

All Creatures of our god and king, by Francis of Assisi (I sang this in two different Christian denominations. One was a six dollar bill and the other was a four dollar bill. In other words, not denominations that really mattered. But if there were a god, which there isn't, he would be pretty sick of this song by now, since Frankie wrote it back in the 1200s. The music is what's great. There should be more songs with Alleluias sprinkled liberally in them. Why haven't the Hip-Hoppers discovered this powerful word?)

The Bristol Stomp, by the Dovells (I lost my virginity again!)

I'd do anything for Love, But I won't do that, by Meatloaf (I did not lose my virginity to this song. Hearing Meatloaf make this declaration finally helped me to find the strength within to just say no.)

Leaves that are Green by Paul Simon (This is the one that starts, "I was 21 years when I wrote this song, I'm 22 now but I won't be for long." Doesn't that just say everything there is to know about life? Plus I once again lost my virginity to this song.


T said...

True story for me too:
I'm driving down Hawthorne Blvd. in the beautiful Lennox area of L.A....
I'm breaking up with a sweetheart of a girl, Lisa, who is starting to weep, and "I'm Leaving You" by the Scorpions comes on my car radio. Weeping becomes full-on balling, I immediately hit my stereo button to cassette and guess what song is there?...

T said...

Another note: I STILL love that song!

L. said...

Bertsky...Interesting list...but:
1) "...sultry wood nymph"????
2) Bloggerette? I like that! "Tonight, performing live...The Bloggerettes!"
3) Virginity can only be lost once...(sorry).
4) "The Bristol Stomp"! Wow, does that bring back memories..." kids in Bristol are sharp as a pistol when they do 'The Bristol Stomp'!"I think that I might have won a dance contest with that song.
5) I didn't like the "pass this one to 7 others" either...but I always do what I am told. : )
6) Thank you for allowing yourself to be tagged...and for participating in this meme.
7) By the way, what exactly is a 'meme'?

L. said...

Never mind....I just found out the definition of a "meme":

The term "meme" (IPA: /miːm/, rhyming with "theme". Commonly pronounced in the US as /mɛm/, rhyming with "gem"), coined in 1976[1] by the biologist Richard Dawkins, refers to a "unit of cultural information" which can propagate from one mind to another in a manner analogous to genes (i.e., the units of genetic information).

: )

Bert Bananas said...

Grammie said: "Virginity can only be lost once...(sorry)."

I maintain that virginity lost can be regained. Just like paradise.

Did you know that Milton got married and wrote Paradise Lost? Ten years later his wife died and he wrote Paradise Regained. True story.