Tuesday, April 24, 2007

Paging Dr. Wal*Mart, Paging Dr. Wal*Mart

Code Blue! (Speaking of which, whatever happened to blue balls?)

STAT! As in, get me a beer, stat.

Drudge, my favorite right wing purveyor of Truth, passed along this important information. Wal*Mart already has clinics in a few stores in test markets. They contract with local hospitals (and soon mortuaries) to provide quick, affordable service to their shoppers. They hope to expand the service nationwide, which will be handy in case a shopper "goes Cho" and starts shooting up the place with affordable Wal*Mart brand ammunition.

If our local Wal*Mart opens a clinic, I might finally go see a doctor about some of the growths on my genitalia (just some of the growths... a few of them have come in handy). If I could give a fake name and pay in cash it would be a dream come true.

I think I would prefer that Costco do this, since they already take care of my eyes and ears, and ... sell excellent toilet paper.

A complete one stop shopping destination is definitely a trend that I can support. I just hope the sex workers are cool about not unionizing.


Anonymous said...

Speaking of which, whatever happened to blue balls?)

lots more girls put out then they used to. okay, i have to get back to my emma embrace.

paperback reader said...

I want them to start renting out apartments in Wal-Mart (ideally, near the large-screen TVs that I can't afford on my own), because it's really inconvenient to have to commute from my house to Wal-Mart. I could get a job there, sleep in a tent in the sporting goods section, and, if Career Opportunities is to be believed, find a Jennifer Connelly-esque unfairly beautiful woman to be locked in the store with.

Bert Bananas said...

Spidey, baby! It's so awesome of you to take a couple of seconds away from Emma to give me information I was missing! Do you have any names and addresses of these "...lots more girls..."?

Bert Bananas said...

Pistolero, did you ever see those Japanese 'rent-a-coffin-shaped' motels? It's just a wall of what look like airport rental lockers. Except they are 7 feet deep and you rent them by the hour to sleep in. The mind boggles at the possibilities should Wal*Mart add something like this to their marketing repetoire! They'd be right next to the mini-spa and shower facility.

T said...

Massage area for back (and front) rubs, a porn room (with back-to-front rubs), and a full size virtual golf screen, and THEN I'll move in.

paperback reader said...

I have seen these hotels, Bert - not firsthand, as I imagine my American-sized girth would block my entrance into such a room - and it only goes to prove what Alexis de Tocqueville's lesser known work, Ruminations on Asia, said about the Japanese: "As a people, they seem eminently stackable."

Wal-Mart is so large and unstoppable that they can now sell DVDs of the many documentaries criticizing Wal-Mart because it just doesn't matter.

Chris the Hippie said...

Why not? Our main health care provider at this point is the clinic in the local grocery store. We can't afford to go to the "regular" doctor...

Bert Bananas said...

Chris, how did America come to this pass? I'm one of a vanishing breed: I was once the subject of a doctor's housecall! True story! A doctor came to check on me because my mom called his office to say I was sick and he came later in the day. And yes, this was in America. Believe it or not.

Jana said...

New to Wenatchee is a clinic INSIDE a local pharmacy. Now, the Nurse Practitioner can diagnose sore throats, do minor bone setting, write prescriptions, etc., and cash or checks only, no insurance and no credit cards accepted, nominal fee charged. The add assures that you can take the RX to any pharmacy, this isn't a scam to get more business for their landlord.