Friday, April 06, 2007

Today's Crucification is brought to you by Ace Hardware...

The above photo shows the old Filipino sport of "Tie me Kangaroo down, sport..."

True story: there is a Filipino gentleman who pushed steel tubes into the wounds on his hands and feet and let them heal in place. Now the nails go through the tubes and not his flesh so he can be nailed to the cross quick as a bunny. He is sponsored by a leading Filipino car dealership.

Another favorite form of torture 'back in the day' was to impale the victim on a sharp stake. The sharp stake was inserted into the anus and the victim was secured, standing up, on his toes. As the victim tired, or rather, as his legs tired, he would slide down the stake, which increased the damage the stake was doing, which caused the legs to tire more. Blood loss, resignation, etc. ... Death was unavoidable, but constipation was never an issue.

Imagine if they had done in Jesus via this method, instead of Crucification! What would Catholics wear around their necks?

But I have heard people curse using an eerily appropriate phrase.


sparrow said...

... nothing. They'd wear anklets.

Just sayin'.

Bert Bananas said...

We'll never know, Pixie, we'll never know...

It's all so weird. After all, even they can't explain how they got from the New Testament to a Pope selling indulgences.

Neoma said...

At Medieval Times in Anaheim Calif, they have a whole section of the building dedicated to different forms of torture of that day and age. The kids were fascinated, I on the other hand, knew it was going to give me night mares. I was not the least bit interested in knowing all the forms of torture, and I was right, now I can't get all those images out of my head, so I thank you for adding one more to the list. haha

So let me get this straignt, in the filippines, the man ACTUALLY gets nailed to the cross. And here I thought it was just a symbolic enactment, not real....

I have often wondered about the wearing of crucifixes, if your child were shot, would you want to wear a gun around your neck to remember?

it usually takes me about three tries to get the things to post, I am word verification challenged..