People are always asking me, how can you make a living painting house addresses on curbs?
My answer is always the same, by working smart. Anyone can make a living in any career if he or she will just work smart. This is right up there with 'buy low, sell high,' and 'never give an Englishman a break.'
One of the things I did to 'work smart' was to create the item you see at the right. This is my foot in the door. I load it onto a trailer and find a likely neighborhood to try plying my trade. I off load "Scootie," climb aboard and start driving up and down the street. I have all my paints, brushes, stencils, etc., in the trailer.
I invariably draw a crowd of people who want to ask me questions, get rides, take photos, etc. And then I make my pitch. And I ALWAYS get business. Because people want me hanging around, being my droll, entertaining self. I get a lot of people after a bit wanting to touch the hem of my garment. I let them. It can't really hurt and it makes them feel good. Sure, I get stories about how people have been healed, but I deprecatingly pass them all off as happy coincidences.
Anyway, I just thought you'd like a little peek into my 'real world' life.
By the way, my kids are NOT interested in following in my footsteps. Used to be they'd do ANYTHING to get rides on 'Scootie' but not anymore... not anymore.
"Scootie" is cute....but, the artist in me says that it needs a little happy face painted on the front...
: )
haha, well, I suppose for entertainment value alone you would do a business. a small town, you can't expect repeat business for at least a year, unless you can get one of those small children to follow behind you and take some paint remover to the signs....
Cute idea, but I truly would not use very durable paint.......something water soluable would be best, don't you think?
I think I am going to link you to my own blog, just in case you have a funny personality, I often need to read something funny. And I like people who are comfortable with their own company. :)
I was wondering what happened to your old golf cart... -Ever since that 'incident' at Pebble Beach.
Grammie, I can only paint numbers, not faces...
Nea, I'm funnier than Cindy Sheehan in love with George W. Bush.
thank gosh each time you don't spell the word verification right, it gets easier.......I am now down to
If a kid did want to follow in their father's footsteps, it'd probably just be to sneak up on him and kill him for that sweet inheritance. So I think it's probably for the best, because, while Scootie looks impressive, I think its getaway speed may be somewhat leisurely.
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