Which means I am supposed to be totally unequipped to be able to comment about this ad. Other than to say I would like to have been at the photo shoot. She probably is an excellent conversationalist, as well as a good chess player. Plus she looks very flexible...
You'll probably remember her face, and parts of her figure, long after you forget the name of her vodka, or even that it was a vodka commercial. And I do remember from one of my classes that this was one of the indicators of a bad advertisement.
I once worked for an ad agency on Park Avenue, just one block west of Madison Avenue in wonderful Manhattan. Yep, for those two weeks I was an absolute hero to the cohort with which I'd graduated just a few months earlier. But then prejudice raised it's ugly head and chubby, stinky old man fired me for "Frivolity." Or was it "Facetiousness"? He used a multi-syllabic "F" word which was definitely evocative of my inner spirit. So that was that. No more trains into Penn Station from Edison, NJ...
Once when I was still in school, we had to go to a local radio station and write copy for our choice of one of the station's sponsors. I picked a malt shop/burger stand operation. I wrote some hilarious copy that was nothing but filthy double entendres ("Give it to me," she begged, "Give it to me good!" "Everything here at the Burger Barn is good!" said the wait-person... Stuff like that, totally puerile, sophomoric, etc. I've never been prouder...)
When I turned in a copy of what I'd written, the instructor, a devout religious person (or perhaps he was faking it until he got tenure?) said that it was unfortunate that I'd wasted my time and the time of the people at the station. Four days later, when ALL my copy went into heavy rotation on that radio station, he pretended never to hear it. My class mates were in a quandry: congratulating me might have appeared as if they condoned my use of sex to sell a product. And I don't think Utah has changed all that much since then.
If there really were a god, the instructor and the guy who fired me would be in hell. Or in denial, whichever is warmer. Although, thinking about it, denial would be wetter...
So it was YOU that created those bitchen Carl's Jr. ads!
They don't use sex to sell things in Utah? Then why all of the polygamists and zillions of children?
denial - wet - he, he.
Big T, no, no, no... that was sex in your face! My ads created an ambiance of sex in your pants. Big difference...
Ms. Nibbles, what is seen going on in Utah is all about domination, not sex. Really. There's an old Mormon saying (not an old Mormon guy standing there saying this, but an saying of long standing among Mormon-observers), "Men have orgasms and women have babies." Apparently the notion of a woman laying there panting, and screaming, "Oh god! Oh god!" is not found in the Bible or the book of Mormon, and is therefore discouraged.
I just thought you graduated...
Damn, there's a book and a movie in this someplace...the bert bananas story, starring somebody like Billy Bob Thornton. Too bad there is nobody like Billy Bob Thornton, not even Billy Bob Thornton. I've got Hollywood on the line already. They're going to offer it to John Goodman. Look out!
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