Sunday, March 11, 2007

How many precious angels from God are enough?

Depends on who you ask.

If you checked in with the heads of consumer-oriented manufacturers, you'd hear that you can't have too many consumers.

If you ask Al "All" Gore, you'd probably hear about slowing down population growth.

If you asked some members of the Chinese Communist government, you'd hear that we need to put the brakes on population growth.

As is the case in almost all situations, there is no right answer, because there is no one administering a test and grading us. The human race could cease to exist tomorrow morning at 8:00 GMT and the Universe would get over it.

So what's my answer to the question I posed? I'm afraid I can't give an answer, because my integrity is compromised. But I would like to see men and women who don't want a baby in nine months have access to all the birth control they can comfortably carry in a back pack. Birth control out to be as available as bubble gum. Birth control ought to be an ingredient in fast food, alcohol, cigarettes and desserts.

What better way to prepare a man to deliver viable sperm, and a woman to be able to conceive than to have each of them give up fast food, alcohol, cigarettes and desserts for the six weeks it takes to clear the system of the birth control ingredients?

What? My plan would wipe out the human race, except for religious fanatics? Yeah, but at least then the Mormons and the Orthodox Jews could gang up on the pious Muslims and get them to give up Jihad.

1 comment:

paperback reader said...

2 seraphim. That's all I need to start my half-seraphim rock band.