Monday, March 19, 2007

Know Thy Black Holes

A Bill Mahr routine:

"I'm the product of a mixed marriage. My mother is Jewish, my father is Catholic. I was raised Catholic, but with a Jewish sensibility. When I went to confession, I took my lawyer...

"Forgive me, Father, for I have sinned. I believe you know my attorney, Morris Fishbein..."

Okay, now it's me... Did you know that every galaxy examined has a Black Hole at it's center? The Black Hole at the center our Milky Way is massive. Or as more than a few scientists have opined, "It's Super Massive!" I get that a lot myself...

If you chose to assume there is a God, please explain why He created such magnificent Super Massive objects, perhaps the most profound and important of all His creations, and never mentioned it to his worshipers? After all, it is a possibility that the end of the Universe as we know it will come when all light, matter and energy, and the 11 dimensions of vibrating strings -- which will stop vibrating if God runs out of quarters -- are absorbed into these Black Holes.

(No religion, that I'm aware of, deals with the reality of the physical sciences. Why is this? ...Creationism!? Oh, please!)

So here is my suggestion: Religions should decree that Black Holes are the Hereafter. Meaning that each galaxy has its own Hereafter and everything winds up in it.

Why not? Introducing logic, and a touch of spirit of inquiry, into religion ought not to be automatically discouraged.

1 comment:

Nessa said...

Well, of course, black holes are heaven. They are full of all things and no one has ever come back once inside.