Thursday, March 08, 2007

Roscoe Obama

Some of you are aware that I have promised to vote for Barak Obama if he changes his name to Roscoe Obama. (He was called the Big B.O. at Harvard Law School, where due to a tremendously outrageous sequence of improbable coincidences, he was 'tapped' for Skull & Bones. Weird, huh?)

Say it to yourself a couple of times: Roscoe Obama. Feels good, doesn't it? While not at all agreeing with his politics or anything he might eventually allow himself to stand for, I can't help but acknowledge the prestige our nation would garner with a President Roscoe. On that basis alone I would pick him over any Republican candidate.

Unless, of course, Mitt Romney changes HIS name to Butch Romney. That would be the salvation of the Grand Old Party.


Waltzing Matilda said...

Skull and Bones is a Yale thing.

Bert Bananas said...

Right, which is why it was, as I stated, "...a tremendously outrageous sequence of improbable coincidences..."

See, there's this quality I have, called humor...

Chris the Hippie said...

"We here do not have a sense of humor that we are aware of thank you." - MIB quote of the day

paperback reader said...

President Roscoe is the name of Chris Rock's newest movie, a "re-imagining" of Head of State, where he plays the owner of that great LA hotspot selling both chicken and waffles. His platforms are delicious.