Tuesday, March 13, 2007

I've Still Got It !!!

I spent the night in my van, in a parking lot in front of a Bally's Total Fitness, in Culver City. I had a lot of work in West LA, with more the next morning in Long Beach. I had planned on getting a motel room, (with a tank of gas now costing $55, why not just stay at a $49 Motel 8 and get more sleep?) but then decided that I could use the $49 to help pay for a new golf bag.

It's been a long time since I've roughed it. It was self-amusing, which rhymes with self-abusing. I probably got about 4 hours of sleep. I asked my wife, Liz, to call me at 6:00 a.m., and when she did, I'd already found an open McDonalds and was chowing down.

Now it's a little after noon and I'm done in Long Beach and heading for Huntington Beach, and possibly San Diego. And then I have to be back in the Crenshaw district tomorrow morning. It's exciting being a curb number painter! But tiring...

I didn't see any unusual behavior whilst in the Bally's parking lot, but cars kept coming and going the whole night, what with all that Yuppie fitness going on.

The "I've still got it !" remark is in reference to pretending that I'm just as good now as I was 20 years ago. It's a bald-faced lie, which makes sense, because 20 years ago, I had a beard.


Nessa said...

You are a piece of work.

Spending the night in the car used to be an adventure, but I wouldn't want to see if I've still got it. I get a kink in my neck just thinking about it.

What would the hug department at the government be called? Would there be an SOP for hugs? If they discovered it cost $2.95 to give a hug, how much would our taxes be to cover that cost?

Is the world coming to an end again? What is it this time, an invasion of hamsters?

Light Classical has only half of the calories of Classical.

Did you paint the numbers on the Buddist temple?

I can't say Roscoe Obama without stuttering.

Life is a hoax. There, I said it.

You read fast. I need a good twenty hours to finish a book.

I would like to try being the "idle" rich. And I would do it without shopping.

I just received a jury duty letter today. I hope I can get out of it. I know, I'm not very civic minded. But damn it, if they get caught, they must be guilty, so why bother.

OK - I read everything and I commented. I signed up for the google stuff you talked about a while ago, thinking it would be easier to write at work (no, I don't really try to write at work, this is just fiction) but I can't sign on to my google account. I thought it was Blogger, but it's Google. There is some block somewhere in our firewall, but I'll be damned if I can find it.

Was this comment long enough or should I make it longer next time?

Bert Bananas said...

So who opened a meth lab and gave you free samples?

Nessa said...

Oh, man, I wish...

Sonya said...

Oh, that you had a webcam in your car so we could watch you watching the cars...

Bert Bananas said...

Tree, do you know anyone with one of those cell phone accounts that let you log on anywhere there's a cell signal? I'm paying $29/month for my T-Mobile account so I can log on at any Kinko's or Starbucks. Very dependable... I think the log on anywhere accounts are like $79/month, but I don't know that they actually work all that well. If they work as well as my cell phone does, that's not good enough.

How do I log on to your webcam?