Saturday, March 24, 2007

Wherein I ask the questions that really matter...

Here's a question I've asked before. My question, coming as it does from a deep sense of wonder and honest inquiry, has uniformly been met with disdain and outright ridicule. What's up with that?

Here's the question:

Assuming there was a Big Bang, and that with that explosion everything, and I mean EVERYTHING!, rushed away from the point of the explosion, doesn't it stand to reason that there is a "center" to our universe from which everything is moving away? And if so, isn't that 'empty space from which EVERYTHING is moving away,' growing?

Logic, at least as I practice it, dictates that this must be so. But people who have listened to my question have always responded along the lines of, "What rubbish!" and, "I say, are you daft?" or, "Bugger off."

A corollary question: Is there any object in the Universe that is not moving, that is totally, totally at rest? Besides my butt?


T said...

Answer to second (corollary?) question:

Maybe the golf ball(s) you hit out of bounds in Menifee (I'm guessing that happened at least once since you didn't make any money there). But I doubt it knowing how you retrieve every ball you hit astray, and everyone elses.

Hmmm, maybe you need a retriever for your butt.

Bert Bananas said...

No lost balls. One into the water, but I got it and 12 more out. Bill just played good this time. And I didn't lose that much.

T said...


paperback reader said...

I believe that other matter would begin to occupy the center. Also, depending on the initial mass levels of the big bang (how well it was hung), we are either going to expand infinitely or will at some point, reach its limit like a gigantic rubber band, and snap back to nothingness.

My money's on doom, but I'm not sure who's going to pay out on that wager.