Sunday, March 11, 2007

Somebody Needs a Hug ...

Isn't that the lamest declaration you ever heard?

Of course somebody needs a hug! There probably isn't a day that goes by that we - you, me, the entire frickin' world - don't need a hug!

Therefore, I am introducing legislation to create a Federal HugBunny Authority. My proposal will afford a daily hug (Monday thru Friday, including holidays!) to each American who is either an emancipated minor or over the age of 18. AND at the same time it will reduce the welfare rolls by 73.6%. I have figured that it will take 6,509 per 100,000 to man - and woman - this new bureaucracy. But it's a win-win situation. It will spread happiness and spread more money around.

Best line from tonight's Simpson's: "I was voted the best kisser in my POW camp."


paperback reader said...

I don't go through too many days without a hug, but I wouldn't mind. There may be a great need for hugs, but there are also a lot of sweaty people in the world.

Anonymous said...

My gawd! Just the thought of hugging you is making me sweaty!!