I took this photo at the Indian Hills Golf Course. Or as it's soon to be known, The Noble Native American Hills Golf course...
People with even minimal rural experience know the smell of a skunk. Imagine, if you will, the evolutionary process involved that resulted in the skunk, armed as he is with a smell so bad that no one will dare approach him. I wonder if there were any false steps by Mother Nature? Like some branch of the skunk family emitting a spray that smelled like hot bread and melted butter... Or the scent of a really great meat loaf... Mother Nature isn't always the sweetheart many make her out to be.
What's the worst smell you've encountered?
What were you up to when you ended up smelling so badly that no one would get near you and how long did it last?
...when I cooked fresh brussel sprouts...... : 0
the worse smell i ever encountered had to be getting behind a rendering truck full of god knows what dead stuff on a hot summer day and not being able to pass it for about 5 miles. i about threw up from the stench.
i have never stunk bad enough that no one would get near me. most of the time i smell so damn good i have to fight people off with a stick.
I would like to hear your answers to those questions.
Ms. Curious Nibbles, I think the worst thing I've had to deal with was when I painted the curbside address of a rendering plant. It was amazing to me that people were making a living taking organic material and turning it into something another business would buy.
The worst I think I've ever smelled was after a couple of days of not bathing while hiking and camping. I'm sure the power of that musky smell would have knocked you off your fee...
worst smell ever: puke
the smelliest I've ever been: that one time when my idiot friend puked on me at a party.
The worst smell I've encountered is rotting muscles. My siblings and I wanted to bring some home from the river we were camping by. I guess putting them in the trunk of the car for the ride home wasn't the best idea. Texas gets pretty hot in the summer.
Dead bird under my bed when I was about fourteen.
I hope you mean mussels and not human muscles, Mama Hog.
I think it's a fruit they have in the far east called Durian. It is foul.
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