Saturday, June 23, 2007

Crips 'n Bloods and the Spice Girls

I'm combining two posts. This could be a wave of the future, combining posts. It saves, time, money and energy, which will keep the planet from overheating before I die.

I searched for evidence that Crips and/or Bloods blog. Crips and Bloods are Black gangs. Legend has it that Crips was founded in South Central Los Angeles way back when... Members identified themselves by wearing a blue banadana on their persons. Legend goes on to say that leaders added a red bandana, to denote rank. Schisms occurred and before anyone could write a paper on it, the Bloods proclaimed their existence and took over sole use of the red bandana.

In searching for evidence of Crip or Blood blogs I found this sparkling burst of erudition: "yo id anint bout red or blue id's bout faimly most people who joyin crips or bloods been abused or sum din its like cristians and afyeist if you a cristian then other cristians your family if you and afiyist they your faimly id's like dat we only gots bad blood between us bescuse we dont agree on stuff same thing as religions but in sted of religion blood and crips are like familys gid it" You can't make this stuff up, you know...

I never did find any blogs but I bet one exists and I just have to keep looking. There has to be one or two introspective gangstas out there who have computers.

Which segue-ways us into the Spice Girls. There's no way to sugar coat this so I'll just blurt it out: I read this morning that they are going to get back together and go out on tour and stop global warming. They are going to bring to bear/bare their awesome power for good, but there will still be no nipple. There will be some name changes, to reflect where the girls are in their lives now:

Posh Spice she is totally satisfied with her life and wouldn't change a thing.

Smelly Spice she has liberated herself from the pedestrian cares of the world and from slavish conformity to 'regular world' rules.

Stealth Spice She doesn't want you to see her coming... or going.

Aspirin Spice If you've had too much to drink, play two songs then call her in the morning.

Trojan Spice There's more to her than meets the eye.

I could be wrong on some of these names. What have you heard?


T said...

A one-eyed monster joke? Bert, Bert, Bert...

How about:

Bloody Spice She's now a Tampon-sponsored Burlesque act in Liverpool.

Crip Spice Working as an undertaker in Whales' Entertainment Factory Mortuary, -where old burlesque performers go when they die.

Word is both girls hate the colors red and blue...

paperback reader said...

Pungent Spice - has spent most of the time off eating Indian food.

Pork Fried Spice - lamenting the fact that Asians are woefully underrepresented in the group.

Also, I think that there are two kinds of people in the world, talkers and doers, and if you're busy slinging yay and capping fools, you're not going to take a timeout from keeping it real to break middle America off somethin' real proper-like URL-style, ya heard?

Nessa said...

what the heck?

Nessa said...

This thing is weird. Again, I tried to leave my EXTREMELY funny Eddy Murphy Spice comment and it wouldn't let me.

Nessa said...

that's better