Thursday, June 28, 2007

Where are you now, Joe DiMaggio . . .

I watched part of a tribute to Paul Simon last night and they showed him singing this in Yankee Stadium. (Oh, sure, I believe you were there that day...) For thirty years now people have been asking this question. How come no one answers it?

He's dead! Stop asking the frickin' question!

But it's being asked less and less as time goes on. One day people will have finally forgotten the question.

Once the human races learns how to cheat death, a lot of questions won't be asked and go unanswered.

Speaking of which try this one: "If all your friends refused to jump off a cliff would you refuse to not jump off that cliff, too?"

In other words, parents DO want conformity and running with the herd when it suits their plans!! So what does this tell you about parents?


paperback reader said...

I think it tells you that your parents are usually exhausted and will adopt any kind of ridiculous worldview that will get you to shut the hell up for a minute.

T said...

The Who made a statement (in a song) that somewhat answers the question: "Say it Ain't So, Joe, Please - Say it Ain't So", but I don't think he said it ain't so.

What your real question should be is: "what the hell am I doing watching a Paul Simon tribute?"--at least that's what Andrew would have said...

Nessa said...

Who's Joe DiMaggio? Who's Paul Simon?