Friday, June 15, 2007

Slim 'n Lift Supreme . . .

I am old enough to remember the girdle. Just barely. I dated one girl who wore a girdle on a date. As a gentleman, I shan't discuss how I know this. But I will tell you that I came to know that girdles could double as chastity belts.

And now, while watching this evening's replay of today's second round of the U.S. Open (a golf match...) there was a commercial featuring the above named product. They're not calling it a girdle but trust me, it's a girdle.

My take on why girdles left the fashion has to do with openness and honesty becoming important in interpersonal relations. If I'm right, what does it say about where we're going, interpersonally, that girdles are coming back?

The women featured in the ad are perhaps a bit lumpish. They have unhappy looks on their faces in their before shots. Then they are all smiles in the after shots, telling us how happy they are to look so slim and trim, "...without diet or exercise!"

In other words, by paying out a little money, they are happy to be "fooling" the world into thinking they did something that most of us find very difficult. But what about when the 'truth' comes out?


T said...

If the truth sits underneath double-d's, ALOT will be forgiven...

Nessa said...

Speaking of double D's: Do you feel the same sense of dishonesty about breast inhancements?

(Why are the advertising girdles during golf?)

Nessa said...

I guess it should be enhancements? It's early.

Waltzing Matilda said...

Girdles never left fashion. True most people only wear them under dress clothes, but they're still around. Even I have one of those evil one piece "hold it in and push 'em up" devices. McDreamy thought it was sexy until he had to try and get past it.

Mary Lois said...

Girdles are the devil's tool.

paperback reader said...

I like girdles, because it gives women pain and therefore an incentive to remove their clothing. I'm hoping this helps a lot of my dates end in nakedness earlier, like "before we even go out." She'll whisper those words of love, like, "I think I've bruised a rib," and she'll be too out of breath to want much foreplay, by which I mean "talking."

katrocket said...

Cheers to goldennib, for bringing up the subject of the double D double standard, and also for catching her own spelling errors!

I love the new modern name for girdle (which is a stupid sounding word. Gerrrdil. Ugh.). Today's slimmer woman wears Spanxx!

Incognito said...

Nah,, they became less fashionable because they are uncomfy as all hell...
I say let it all hang out.. if men can have tires, why can't we? ;-)

Bert Bananas said...

large breasts on women between 18 & 29 are what made Playboy Hugh Hefner rich. But they (the breasts) definitely have a shorter shelf life than the women possessing them would probably like. There is a certain size that remains wonderful for a much, much longer... I'll report back when I find out what the shelf life is, but so far closing in on 50, they still look very damn good.

paperback reader said...

I agree with you, sir, though 20 year old me will call it apostasy: the older I get, the smaller I like them, because topless women should make you think of doing it, not of high school-level gravitational experiments.