Monday, June 11, 2007

You can't make this stuff up!

Paris Hilton, to Barbara Walters (I kid you not!):

Asked how her first days in jail were, Paris is quoted as saying, "I was severely depressed and felt as if I was in a cage." She felt as if she were in a cage!!! And here I was thinking she was a not all that bright... but she figured out, almost immediately, that being in jail is like being in a cage.

Asked how she is now that she was sent back to do more time, Paris said: "I used to act dumb. That act is no longer cute. Now, I would like to make a difference...God has given me this new chance."

Which means Paris knows she screwed up the old chance. How far do you think she'll go before the allure of being a trust baby reasserts itself? You think she'll hang around being 'normal' long enough to marry a poor guy from the other side of the tracks? Wouldn't that make wonderful press, if she fell in love and married a plumber or a mason or a dry wall installer? It could happen!


T said...

I could love her (for her money).

Dream, I can always dream...

katrocket said...

She makes me laugh. A caged wicked princess. She's not sorry at all. She's saying whatever people want to hear, in order to manage her public image. And people will eat it up, and she'll be back on top. Maybe she isn't so stupidy ever after.

Nessa said...

Maybe she'll marry the sheriff?

L. said...

"Wouldn't that make wonderful press, if she fell in love and married a plumber or a mason or a dry wall installer?"

...or a nice, yet slightly sarcastic, house number painter?

: )

Mary Lois said...

I hear she has a thing for guy who paint the numbers on the sidewalk.

T said...

Gram & ML - Because of you two, Bert has left his lovely wife and has set-up camp outside the Lynwood jail house where Paris is being held.

Even worse is there are rumors he is giving up golf--at least until he gets an affirmative answer to his marriage proposal to Miss Hilton.

L. said...

You go Bertsky! Good luck....I'll be looking for you on Inside Edition...