Tuesday, June 05, 2007

Fake Blogs of Famous People

There would probably be some amusement in faking a blog of a famous person. It might be a bit dicey to fake a blog of a living person, but the dead cannot sue for defamation of character. Apparently the dead are not felt to have much character...

Who would you like a fake a blog for? And isn't it a bit unfair that pretending to be Hitler would result in calumny heaped on your head? But people wouldn't say much if you faked being Stalin, and he killed just as many innocent people, if not more...

Okay, I've been sitting back on my three-legged milking stool, here in front of my laptop, which for convenience sake I keep on my wife's ironing board, and after a lot of careful pondering, I think I would like to fake a blog for Lee Harvey Oswald or Bruno Hauptmann. These guys are generally seen as losers and I'd be doing either one of them a favor by getting them a few laughs. And pleading 'my' innocence would give me a lot to work with.

Another 'fun' person whose blog could be humorously faked would be Paris Hilton. Right, she's not dead, but I wouldn't call what she does on a daily basis much in the way of a life. And besides, it just occurred to me that 'famous people' don't have the same libel and slander protections that we humble folk enjoy. For example, I could claim to be Paris Hilton blogging from the LA County Jail and talking about going down on anything that moved and she couldn't successfully sue me, whereas if I even hinted that El Pistolero was in any way a deviate, he could successfully sue me for every last gallon of curb paint I possessed or would ever possess! Oh, the humanity!

It now occurs to me that the person whom you 'fake blog' says a lot about you! So therefore I now tag the entire civilized blworld to respond, and then pass it along to blworlds on other planets.

My next post may or may not have to do with fake orgasms... Remember the first time you faked that you were faking it?

1 comment:

paperback reader said...

You know, Hitler really had a great PR guy, because compared to Stalin and Mao, he killed far fewer people (it says so right here on my Evil Leader trading cards set), but he's always the person who gets referenced. And what about people like Pol Pot and Idi Amin, who were equally ruthless but had second tier population sizes to execute?

I think I'd blog for Stalin, and complain that no one gave me any credit for that. It'd be called the gulblog, because Stalin loved bad puns.

I wrote a show for the History Channel on Charles Lindbergh and did so much research on that damned Hauptmann case that the mere mention of his name makes me break out in hives. Thanks, Bert.

Oh, and I've actually been proven a deviant by several courts of law, so it's a matter of public record. I have to tell the neighbors and everything.