Friday, June 22, 2007

Speaking Excrementially

I made this word up: Excrementially. Naturally I had help. I'm nothing by myself. I'm the first to admit it; admit one, non-smoking. A guy named Hilary had something to do with it. Go figure...

I trust that my faithy (not faithful, not faithless, just faithy) readers will be inspired to incorporate this handy word into their week day and weekend nights conversations. There will always be plenty of opportunities because excrement is all around us. It's going to be the adverb of the 21st Century. And you're in on the ground floor.

Lucky you!


Incognito said...

Hmmm... the current show I'm in could be described as excremental... at least the critics thought so..and the cast.

Nessa said...

My week at work was excrementially painful. (Did I use it properly in my sentence?)

Bert Bananas said...

Incog, what do critics know? Oh sure, they know what they like and don't like. but what does that prove?

Ms. Nibbles, forget last week. It's now the weekend, and you can glory in the freedom you give your hubby to play golf. Which gives you the house to yourself.

T said...

I think it's a pretty shitty word...

paperback reader said...

Guys named Hilary? New words? Gosh, all bets are off in the Bananas household.

What's next? Women voting? Rocketships to the moon?