Friday, October 26, 2007

Wherein I am Reminded of a Favorite Novella

Drudge had this link to an "article" in London's Daily Mail. I don't predict the future, I just live the future, and the future is... NOW! Oops, I mean it's NOW! Dang, it keeps becoming the present... Double dang, "now" it's the past! I don't want to scare you, but it's never NOW!!

Anyway, here's the first paragraph:

The human race will one day split into two separate species, an attractive, intelligent ruling elite and an underclass of dim-witted, ugly goblin-like creatures, according to a top scientist.

(What about the dim-witted, attractive offspring of the ruling elite? I have begun a screenplay: Paris Hilton meets superbly hung goblin who sprays Lemon Pledge in his armpits. They fall madly in love and run off to a Goblin-like cave in the Superstition Mountains and Mom & Dad Hilton send David Spade to retrieve her.)

There are already some very marked divisions within homo sapiens. I see it as very limiting to suggest that there will only be two separate species. I see clumpings of beings all along the continuum from the intelligent ruling elite at one end, to the dim-witted, ugly goblin-like creatures I used to date before I met my ruling class wife, at the other end.

An already existing postulation in this vein is Cyril M. Kornbluth's sci-fi novella, The Marching Morons. The basic premise of which was that people of 'lower' classes breed beyond their ability to 'provide' adequately for their offspring. So the numbers of these 'lower' classes grow much, much faster than the 'elite' classes, who start later and temper their productivity. By the time the book opens, a few hundred years in our future, there are billions of morons and only a few million elites, who are running themselves ragged trying to keep order in the world.

Sometimes when I read the Guv's stories about her life in the corporate world, I think about how she's an elite, trapped in a Marching Moron hell, trying to keep order. Guv, you'd love the solution that the elites are handed by a visitor from their past...


Nessa said...

I don't see this really happening: the qualities seem to skip generations in both groups.

paperback reader said...

Isn't this "scientist" just someone who read Brave New World? I doubt his credentials.

Leonesse said...

I can tell you, emphatically(!), that the freaks ARE taking over the world. You just have to read a few entries of my blog to see that.

Speaking of which, it is really freaking down here on a foggy night. It's like Night of the Drunken Freaks. You can hear them coming, but can't see how effed up they are until they appear out of the fog. EGAD.

Anonymous said...

What can I say Mr. B. I am a very unique person, trying to sow the seeds of humanity and intelligence in a Moron Marching world, much like the writers of South Park. It's a dirty job but someone has to do it. Sniff!