Thursday, October 11, 2007


Indignation and Indigestion have a lot in common. Basically, what they have in common is that you can't tell what will set them off. The causes, for each, can be varied. I can eat tuna salad that's been sitting in the sun for two hours and be fine. People of more refinement could not do such a thing. I'd puke my guts out if I had to eat tofu burgers, people of more refinement would be in seventh heaven. I've pointed out the extremes of the continuum, but these differences exit all along the continuum.

With regard to indignation, I can watch happy Black people looting up a Korean liquor store and not be indignant. People with more refinement would frown heavily, being gravely indignant. If a person who weighed less than me and didn't have any big friends around tried to kick a stray dog, I'd express a good deal of hostile indignation towards that person. Someone of more refinement might simply look away, so as not to arose indignation in the dog kicker.

With regard to indigestion I don't tell people what to eat, but I do express opinions about things I wouldn't eat. They're just opinions...

I'm pretty much the same way with indignation. No one is going to talk me out of being indignant about the things that make me indignant, and I realize that it's pointless to tell an indignant individual, "Hey, don't be indignant..." So I don't, I won't.

I think there are times we express being alive by taking up a crusade of indignation. The Rev. Al Sharpton told me I was full of White Devil crap, but I think he's prejudiced.

What makes you indignant and is it a way of life or just a hobby?


paperback reader said...

It's hard to listen to Al just based on that crazy hair. That's how I judge people: how crazy their hair is. It's why I don't hold with Martin Van Buren at all.

T said...

You have so much in common with George. -Kick a dog and you should die. Kick a bum and he (the bum) probably deserved it.

I eat everything (except tofu and beef liver, because that shit tastes absolutely terrible), because I never want the chef to feel indignant towards me.

Anonymous said...

i have specific buttons that people love to push. that' my issue though.

anyway, when the rev. jesse jackson came to talk to my kids, he said 2 things worth hearing and many others worth ignoring. my kids didn't listen to anything he had to say, but were happy to be out of class.

so i say treat al like most people treat jesse and just ignore what he has to say, unless you get out of class and then you can pretend to care for the photo op. it's not like al matters in your life anyway.


Leonesse said...

I take care of that with ROLAIDS.