Sunday, September 02, 2007

I'm about to send it to the Publisher . . .

"The Era of the Extravagant Wedding" is a coffee table book I'm writing. Actually, it's not writing so much as it is going through my collection of wedding photographs and selecting those to be included. Most of the captions write themselves, if you get my drift.

What sets my book apart is the "Appendix of Pain", wherein, accompanied by a thumbnail of the happy couple, I explain in one short, pithy paragraph, in 8 point Times New Roman, how it all fell apart for them.

In the much shorter "Appendix of Limitied Success" the thumbnails are accompanied by longer explanations on how the couple is still managing to cope, despite ...

Look for my book at Narns &Boneable.


Sonya said...

Hold out for a large advance.

T said...

I want to see (I mean read) that part where the couples advance to full-on porn.

Leonesse said...

Does this mean that Extravagant Weddings are going to go out of style? I can't understand how people STILL pay enough for a house payment on a freaking Party. You know most of those marriages end in divorce, so why bother?

Makes me ill.

paperback reader said...

Ah, weddings. I like to see them as trade conventions for those of us who work in spite, jealousy, and bitter resentment. Love 'em.