Thursday, September 06, 2007

I Never Planned on Being a Freakin' Genius . . .

By any measure of genius, except perhaps intelligence, I am totally a rock solid genius. Take for example my plan for ... Nope, I can't mention that one as I haven't yet patented it. Of course I totally trust 'the gang' but there are strangers who read blogs not for the entertainment, but for profit. Those Dastards!(sic)

But here's an example of my genius that can be shared simply because it's just a new usage of already existing items.

Waste disposal is a necessity. Humans make waste. So does haste. Combining the two, as promoted by our modern technology, means mountains of trash. You can see this in your very own home!

The answer? Mini-Black Holes. They'd have to be held in suspension, and fed within a vacuum, which would require some break throughs in technology, but imagine putting all your trash down a chute and never, NEVER having to worry about it again. You'd never have to trundle the garbage cans out to the curb. Landfills would be things of the past. Portable Black Hole trucks would scurry about the landscape suckng up trash and debris, and never having to be emptied. Eventually we'll have Black Hole toilets, so sewage disposal will no longer be a problem.

Amazing, aren't I?


Nessa said...

But won't future generations or Martians have to deal with our sucked up mess?

The Guv'ner said...

Amazing bordering on frightening, I'd say.

When I still lived in the UK I feared the TV license truck (those bastards!) as come on, who wants to pay for TV? Now I have to fear "black hole trucks"? That's worse than that dude and his Verizon Fios truck. (It's got your 1310, your 1490 and your 1550)

T said...

"Eventually we'll have Black Hole toilets..."

Damn, you're prejudice!

Leonesse said...

All Hail Bert Bananas. Our next Einstein.

Bert Bananas said...

Ms Au Nibbles, since when have humans worried about future generations?

paperback reader said...

How are you going to transport anti-matter? And will those drivers get hazard pay?