I've been busy.
I had two supervisors. One quit about a month ago. The other one quit last week. I've been totally bombed, doing my work and trying to do theirs. A losing battle.
Today I hired a replacement. She's going to work from home. She's good, so I feel like I'm coming out of a cave, into the light. She'll take a lot of weight off my shoulders and I can get back to being the carefree young buck whom I've grown to love and adore.
Like the guy at the right. You can't really tell, but he's got a very long skateboard; it's gotta be four feet long. A bit after I took this photo, he got on the board and skated off into the sunset, his hands behind his back, leaning back, looking very regal.
He probably doesn't have a job. Jobless people congregate at this location, the Orange County civic center in Santa Ana. Some homeless advocates feed the homeless here; it's a mad house around here at 4:00 p.m. when the people line up. I tried to eat here once, but they tricked me into admitting I wasn't homeless and I was escorted from the feeding line, with people heckling me, making me feel bad because I had a home and a job. Perspective is everything...
They caught you, you bastard! (Must have been all that paint on your hands.)
The homed and jobbed get no respect.
Phew! When I saw that photo, I thought you were going to announce you had become a sk8er boi! Radical to the max!
The guy in that photo is probably eleven. He probably has that disease that Robin Fucking Williams (this is his birth name) had in that movie where he was ten but looked about 45 and acted like the silly voiced, rubber faced idiot he always does.
That dude's four foot skateboard is all kinds of cool however...
I wish I didn't have a job... -No, wait a minute. I wish I didn't have to work!
OK, I must confess, my wish has come true. I don't really work...
We have a longboard. And there is a younger version of this guy with a slightly shorter pair of boots around here too.
Go old dudes!
Daddy? Is that you? Did you get that milk you left to pick up in 1978 yet?
Pistols: You just totally freaked me out because my original comment said "When i was four daddy said he was only going out for cigarettes."
I swear. That is FREAKY. :)
Actually, it was on Leonesse's journal I left that comment. Even so, QUIT FREAKING ME OUT.
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