Thursday, September 06, 2007

"I circulatory pump the windows to your soul."

In literature, and songs, which are strings of literature set to music, the human heart is an emotional organ. In real life it's a pump. Just a pump. When it fails as a pump, the bearer of tat heart dies, with or without a song on his or her lips. Such is the power of suggestion that there have been times when you felt an "emotion" in your cardiac cavity. But it was just auto-suggestive behavior; there are no emotional nerve ends in your heart, not like there are in your wallet.

As for the 'windows to the soul,' otherwise known as your eyes, they NEVER reveal anything other than that they are dry, moist, moistening or leaking like a sieve. Eyes don't tell us that the person looking at us adores us, hates us, feels sympathy, etc. When people say someone's eyes 'said it all,' it was not the eyes, it was the set of the facial muscles.

But generations, GENERATIONS, of lazy ass writers have taken the easy way out and used phrases like, "I could see the hate in her eyes...," or "Her eyes told me she had to have me..." A set of human eyes cannot glow, they can't radiate love or hatred, eyes don't have any way to say, "I'm hiding something..." Our eyes just sit there in our faces, incapable of making any kind of voluntary changes. Eye lids, eye brows, facial muscles, the lips... These are what change and allow us to read emotions.

Will you join me in encouraging writers to clean up their acts?

Thank you.


Nessa said...

My eye brows are pointing towards my nose, my lips are compressed and my face is all scrunched up.

The Guv'ner said...

I'll have two of what you're having, Bertie old chap.

T said...

No wonder (according to Don) you're a crummy poker player.

Bert Bananas said...

Ms Golden Nibs, you're constipated?

Guv, you should be so lucky...

Big T, it's not my fault people always have better cards.

paperback reader said...

Sounds like somebody's having a total eclipse of the heart...

Mary Lois said...

Readers of this blog: The bananameister and I have had this debate going for over a year when he posted on my blog that eyes reveal nothing and that anybody who says otherwise is just making things up. He maintained that the muscles around the eyes do all the talking and that eyeballs are just as dull as grapes. Well, he didn't say that, but it seems to me he's missing something here. Are all his readers like him????

Bert Bananas said...

Yes, Even-Handed Hope, my readers are all like me, of superior intelligence, remarkable grace, fierce loyalty, unsurpassed creativity, majestically noble, as well as brave, clean and funny.

Just ask them! Oh, wait you did!

My bad...

Mary Lois said...

Yeah, maybe. Do they all have beady little eyes too?

Leonesse said...

Hope, eyes can't be beady. That is Bert's point. Mine would be the color of grapes, if that helps.

And yes, I am of superior intelligence, remarkable grace, fierce loyalty, unsurpassed creativity, majestically noble, as well as brave, clean and funny.

I am Leonesse and I am a Lazthiest. It is my 12 step program with no steps. That suits me just fine!

Leonesse said...

And Bert, check out my blog for some Expressive Eyes!

Mary Lois said...

Uh, I've seen beads and I've seen beads. And eyes with no light behind them look pretty much like beads, therefore beady. But the eyes of leonesse are expressive without the muscles doing much. Therefore not beady. However, never so much as a photo of Bert...and his protestation of eyes revealing nothing...probably a proof of beadyness, I would say.

paperback reader said...

I think you're both right; eyes can tell a person's countenance (or betray it when they won't look at you, unless there's a really awesome episode of The Brian Benben show on behind you, in which case you can't blame them), but the muscles aid them greatly.

Then again, I'm usually too busy staring at boobs to notice eyes.