Friday, August 04, 2006

Self Esteem & Gambling

Do you care if Vegas goes broke?

Segments of our population are high on Self-Esteem. There is no such thing in Nature as Self-Esteem, but that hasn't stopped the drive to feed and achieve it. (pause for applause to die down.)

I've watched some Texas Hold'em on TV. The way they play it, there is only one winner. That means that if 100 people enter a tournament, 99 people are losers.

If you go to your local card saloon and sit down with seven other people at a table, the majority of the players will be losers. (Although it is within the realm of possibility that one player could lose enough to make the other seven players winners. There are 'fish' in poker, but that person would have to be elevated to 'whale' status!)

I'm trying to figure out what the Self-Esteem crowd would do to remedy the plight of the losers. Perhaps there should be a casino tax? We'd all have to pay into this fund. Then when you lost all your money in a casino, the casino would issue you a voucher that you would take to the nearest office of Self-Esteem Redemption and get your money back. No more losers! That would be our new mantra: No More Losers! And everyone walking out of Self-Esteem Redemption center would have a smile on his/her face and live happily ever after!


Nessa said...

There are no losers. Everyone that plays is a winner. Haven't you gone to those camps where they give everyone a little plastic gold statue even if they sucked at pot holder making.

The "Everyone As Winner" is why we have people that go on shooting sprees. Some people never learned how to deal with losing.

Anonymous said...

Hej Bert,

While I am not a lazieth I am a dedicated Procrastinist. This seems like a movie for you.