Saturday, August 05, 2006


Just call me Pope Impius

The following is the entirety of a blog entry by a man of very serious mien... VERY SERIOUS!

"THE RUSSIAN GOLGOTHA by Vladimir Moss. Definitely a book you will want to acquire as part of the growing body of literature on the unsung holocaust against the Christians of Russia."

I did make one impertinent comment on an earlier, equally serious post of his, and I kind of felt bad, because I don't think he is looking for frivolity.

I forbore from the comment that immediately came to mind. That is, I forbore from making it there, on his blog. I shan't forbear here:

If the story of the Russian Holocaust needs to be set to music, it probably ought not to be by a hip hop artist. I'm thinking Barry Manilow could write the songs.

See? That's impious and if there were a humorless God, He'd get me.


Mary Lois said...

Very brave of you, bananas. Offering yourself as human sacrifice in case the Big Guy doesn't have a sense of humor at all.

That's admirable, but if I were you I'd look out for stray lightning bolts.

Bert Bananas said...

Ah, Fair Hope, there is a whole science to lightning bolts; they don't 'stray.'

Not that I understand the science of lightning bolts, but I have accumulated a modicum of common sense and thusly I do not fear lightning bolt immolation.

And thank you for a blog topic!

Nessa said...

I know for a fact that God has a sense of humor. My proof: human beans.

Bert Bananas said...

Your Nibship, using Human Beans to prove the existence of god doesn't say much for god.