If my dog, Puppie, ever finds out about Barkfast Squares, we will probably have words. Strong words. Puppie adores eating. And she also thinks she looks good in clothing. She's a Black Lab and they do accessorize well. And I will admit she looks good in a sun dress.
But I draw the line at Puppie's comestibles. She gets the best Costco has to offer in its mid-range price line. Mid-range being the ideal to which I've yoked my life. And thus Puppie's life, as well.
But all my good intentions will be for naught if Puppie finds about about Barkfast Squares, the Breakfast of Chompions. Just look at Ward & June Canine and the Beaver. (Why do we never see Black dogs in advertising...)
Puppie doesn't know she's Black. She's growing up color blind. Well, all dogs grow up color blind. So they've got that over us. I grew up color blind, but in the figurative sense.
Puppie does know she leads a privileged life. She has learned to set her expectations high. She doesn't mind left over hamburgers, but she expects rib eye bones. So obviously I'm part of what's wrong with her and but for my having pampered her, I wouldn't have to worry about Puppie finding out about Barkfast Squares.
If you had spent two whole days coming up with the concept of a product named Barkfast Squares, wrote your copy, got your art director to work up the package, and then sold the client on it, would you go out to the Hamptons the next week end and brag about it? If a month had then gone by and you stumbled across, as I did, the product on the shelf, would you stand back and admire it or just furtively move on?
And how many people spell it 'Barkfest", which is another thing entirely! Puppie knows about barkfests.
"Why do we never see Black dogs in advertising..." Reminded me of a few semtences from a book I never wrote: "Try to imagine selling Cocoa Puffs by showing pictures of rotten teeth and a stomach filled with puff. You can see that it works much better to show some apple-cheeked child actor (hired for his apple cheeks) spooning the stuff into his mouth out of a clean white bowl in a clean white kitchen in a clean white world with his clean white mother smiling in the background. Madison Avenue has warped Keats’s beauty into a “truth” that’s essentially a lie. The truth is, if you make it beautiful, shit sells."
Hey, if the right celebrities buy shit, shit sells.
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