Saturday, January 12, 2008

Why it's good to be a Dictator

A lot of U.S. Presidents have played golf, but only three United States Presidents have made a hole in one: Eisenhower, Richard Nixon & Gerald Ford. I've been playing, hard, since 1984 and I have one hole in one.

North Korean President/Dictator for life Kim Jong Il watched some televised golf soon after Tiger Woods became a media draw and liked what he saw. So he ordered a golf course built and acquired golf clubs. He played his first and last round of golf EVER on October 11, 1999 and North Korean news outlets dutifully broadcast the fact that he had 11 holes in one during that 18 hole round. Not one story deviated from lauding and praising Kim Jong Il's skill and acumen. In all of North Korea not one word of doubt was uttered. Not one blog questioned the feat.

The golf course was then turned back into a Peoples' Park for the Greater Glory of Communist Way, and there's a plaque at the entrance to the park commemorating his feat. Here in the USA, every single golf score Bill Clinton ever posted was analyzed and questioned by a heartless combination of right wing media/blog writers. How Bill must have envied Kim Jong Il.


Nessa said...

We are an ungrateful, hideous lot.

Jana said...

I think you should write and post an article touting your 12 holes in one on the same course in the same 18-hole game, and mail a copy to KIJ! The country and its president would find it funny and utterly amazing to know that a round-eyed American with a golf cart beat their fearless leaders score!!!

Leonesse said...

Bits and pieces of Team America World Police keep flitting through my tired, tired brain. I just can't get a handle on any of them. Damn it.