Tuesday, January 15, 2008

Remember when?

Remember when Gore Vidal said, "Whenever one of my friends enjoys even a moderate success I die a little."

Whether we want to admit it or not, most of us fall into this category. I'm luckier than most of you in this regard since I have such few friends, and we work hard and keeping our successes from being visible. (Thank ghawd for pants!)

Remember when, in 1952, you could wear an "I Like Ike" button to school and get beaten up by Democratic bulies, thus forever cementing your place on the Right?

It's hard for me to admit this, but there were probably Republican bullies who created life-long Democratics via this very same tactic. How many of our ingrained habits exist simply because we wanted to be different from some particular person?

Remember when you were innocent and hadn't seen the private parts of a member of the sex you were attracted to that you weren't related to? As an only child I can only imagine what it would have been to grow up with sisters. No, don't tell me! Leave me with my dreams...


Nessa said...

I'm so confused.

The Guv'ner said...

I grew up with sisters and Mr. B. it's seriously overrated! :)

I'm not even going to comment on the "thank gawd for pants" thing. Oh maybe I just did. Blush!

paperback reader said...

I think of Morrissey's song "We Hate It When Our Friends Become Successful." Thankfully, I only pick friends who are abject failures, because friends are supposed to make you feel better.

katrocket said...

"thank ghawd for pants" is HILARIOUS!