Wednesday, February 06, 2008

Stolen from another Blog !!

Literally, but not really...

See, I typed it all in Mrs. LK's blog, as a comment. But I was SOOOO entranced with it (a lot of what I type is new to me as a I read it) that I just had to have it all to myself. This is what men are geniuses at, wanting things! So here it is, freshly copied & pasted from her site, as a response to why stupid things happen:

There are three levels to any organization:

1. the lowest level, where people do what needs to be done,

3. the highest level, where people decide what needs to be done, and

2. the middle level, where people too lazy to do what needs to be done and too dumb to know what needs to be done, sit and make up things they think ought to be done.

Not that it matters, but all politicians at the national level are in the middle level.


paperback reader said...

I'm not good at doing or thinking. I guess I've got to move to Canada.

Leonesse said...

Amen, Brother Bert.

katrocket said...

I heard that, Pistols.

The Guv'ner said...


Can I referee the Pistols/Rocketradio bitch slappin'. It shouldn't take long because Kat's totally a double fister and Pistols is a pussy.

That sounded way wrong.

katrocket said...

That sounded way sexy!

paperback reader said...

That was oddly hot, though I don't know how I feel about being the object of anyone's fists, regardless of the context.