Saturday, February 16, 2008

Founder's Day

Laztheism marks it's second anniversary. The exact date is unknown, but it's sometime between today and next year's third anniversary. Not all details are important.

For those new to Laztheism, or those currently too inebriated to make sense of the memories, I offer these highlights:

Laztheism is the religion of non-religion.

Laztheism demands that you make no demands. This contrasts with atheism, which demands you deny the existence of god... Or Ghawd, as He is unknown to Laztheists. Laztheists neither insist nor deny that Ghawd exists; that's entirely up to Him.

Laztheism is a disorganized religion. There are only two things that are important about the fact that I am the titular head of the Laztheism: 1. The "tit" in titular is extremely distracting, and 2. my phone number is unlisted, meaning that you're on your own.

The principle tenet of Laztheism is that religion should not distract, impede, hamper or intrude on the art of living a good life. If you think this leads to chaos, then you're not hanging with the right people.

It's been said (in today's comics page) that Laztheism puts the 'fist' in pacifist. Since we have no scriptures (other than this blog) there's no way to prove or disprove this sentiment. But I like it.


Leonesse said...

Wait, I have been converting everyone with the promise of Wednesday Beer Baptism Nights in the chapel.

T said...

Happy Lazy-ass-Day! (I should be co-Chairperson.)

paperback reader said...

I like any religion with tenets not to bother people. It's the religion of "it's cool, bro."

katrocket said...

You should mark this important occasion with a Wikipedia entry for Laztheism.