Monday, February 11, 2008

My Blackberry Kept on Working!

Of course I've always felt special, so today when my wife came in to tell me that Blackberry's all over North America weren't working and asked me if mine was, I checked and it was working fine. Since I was standing at my computer (Yes, I stand now to do desk work, so it's not desk work anymore, it's counter work, and saying that I do counter work makes me sound like I'm counter work and pro fun!) I did a quick check and every new email through out the day hit both my computer emails and Blackberry.

Why was this, why didn't my Blackberry suffer the service outage that apparently struck all over the Americas? I haven't a clue, except to pontificate that I'm special and as with any special Laztheist, nothing and no one watches over me, so it's just a current of history sweeping me along.

But to balance things out, Ipowerweb says my website has been upgraded, but when I went to test it, my forms submissions didnt work and now my username and passwords are working. I'd rather it had been the other way around...


Sonya said...

I think ipower shifted sites to new servers and that might be why your forms don't work. Boo.

paperback reader said...

Maybe the world just knew that you were way more important than all the other Blackberry holders.

Bert Bananas said...

Tree, got any advice?

Pistols, perhaps there is a Ghawd?

The Guv'ner said...

Maybe you are surrounded by your own special force field?

Sonya said...

I guess just send a message to support? You might have to convert your forms using their asinine templates, perhaps. Or you could switch hosts.

Leonesse said...

A Bananas Blackberry field? Sounds more like a smoothie.

Jana said...

I don't own any of this newfangled stuff. I'm a lazthiest too, as far as it goes with newfangled doodads with fancy fruit names and potential for sorethumbitis from all that text messaging. pooey, just ring my phone, leave a message if you get the answering machine, the phone has a cord that attaches the handset to the wallphone. Chris did buy me an ipod music doodad for doing his taxes this year. I mentioned once that one of those dime-sized puppies that hold 965 songs would be great in my business, so now I have one, and maybe I'll be able to figure out how to get it out of that plastic packaging...anybody got a chainsaw?