Saturday, February 16, 2008

Parking my horse went off without a hitch ...

... and now I'm on foot.

I found ten chapters of a book I more than half wrote some years ago. I was rummaging around the detritus of my office and so I promptly sat down and read it. It was semi-autobiographical, meaning it was all lies, versus a true autobiographical effort, which is just mostly lies.

Have you ever thought about writing your own eulogy? There is probably a viable market now for Professional Eulo-ologists. University Schools of Communication need to address this issue and need to offer degrees in Eulo-ology.

Besides the actual need to have a eulogy at the ready, crafting these eulogies on a yearly or biannual schedule would give you a history of your life as you wished you'd really lived it. If you think it's weird now going back and taking a look at your high school senior yearbook, imagine the delight in reading the eulogy prepared after your 25th birthday. If you add the power point presentation that now seems to be de rigueur at funerals, you'll eventually have a complete chronological history of how you want Ghawd to think you lived your life.

I'm looking forward to seeing the movie (via Netflix) that has an elemental scene in it where a beloved character has the power point presentation for his funeral swapped out by a bitter enemy. The new new power point presentation starts with requisite smarminess and then descends to clips of the deceased doing gross and disgusting things, like writing a blog, or something equally hideous.

Think of what you could do in this vein for Bill Clinton's eventual funeral...


T said...

'Think of what you could do in this vein for Bill Clinton's eventual funeral...'

I'm almost certain Hilary has this one taken care of.

paperback reader said...

I am going to write my own eulogy, but steal it from more interesting lives. People will be amazed how I was a steel-driving man turned astronaut.