Wednesday, July 26, 2006

Waiting on pins & needles

I get to play golf every Wednesday. Usually we play early in the morning. It's the same bunch of guys and it's been going on for years. But today we're playing at 1:30 p.m. It's 11:00 a.m. right now and I'm having a hard time focusing at work. Of course I ALWAYS have a hard time focusing at work. What did people do before Drudge and, etc.? But I never play games on the computer at work. NEVER! Sometimes I do on my PDA, I'll tilt back and play a quick game of Bejeweled, but just to calm down after some strenuous typing or phone-calling. You know, to take the edge off.

But all morning I've been wondering about the heat, how I'll play, if I'll have to wear a glove (Me and Freddie Couples, we don't need no stinkin' gloves!), how many guys will show up, whose team I'll be on, etc., etc. Basically, nothing about me or my life has changed since I was first allowed (encouraged!) to play outside all day. At age two...

Golf is such a polite game. Probably because of the horror we all face in playing it. The degradation that takes place, as one's personality crumbles and the tears of anguish begin to flow and you ask God, "Why me?" So we feel sorry for each other and in defference to how humbling it is, we smile and say things like, "No, I believe I'm away..." and "oh, great shot!" and "rats, another two inches and you would have had a great shot..." and as your fellow competitor's ball sails out of bounds, "I thnk the wind took it..." Naturally you expect the same courtesies when you're in need of some face-saving commentary.

Show me a person who hates golf and I'll show you a person with issues about his/her life. You can be neutral about golf, but if you take the time to hate it, you have a serious problem. I mean besides abject cowardice.

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