Tuesday, July 18, 2006

Driving Miss Dizzy

All I want for Christmas is a Tank of Gas

I'm old enough to remember gassing up for 19.9 cents a gallon. This is a terrible memory to retain, as it only adds to the pain.

I gassed up on Saturday and drove to Garden Grove. I ended up going right by Disneyland. Then Monday I drove to Newport Beach and Laguna Beach. All on the same tank of gas. That's a lot of mileage and I credit the seeming increase in mileage endurance to moderating my driving. I only went over 80 mph a couple of times. I mostly kept the cruise control pegged at 70 mph. I'm sure I made the Auto Club proud of me.

Gas costs are artificially high. Speculators drive up the price of gas, and at a time when production is as high as it's ever been. In the US, inventories are the highest they've ever been. So in a time when production is not only uninterrupted, but setting records, the price goes up only because some people with money WANT world events to send the price of a barrel of oil to over the magical $100 a barrel target so that the gas they've just paid for can be resold for a huge profit. I wonder if speculators and profiteers reveal themselves in childhood?

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