Monday, July 24, 2006

Muslimites of the world, UNITE!

Are they really out to get you?


Did you know that there are Muslims who tell the fanatics, "Hey, some of my best friends are infidels!" But then they back down and end up agreeing that the world would be a better place without us infidels. And it's part of their religion to think this way...

Jesus never said anything about killing for Him or for the His religion. We Christians came up with killing for Him on our own, throwing opposing knights in full armor into a lake and calling it their baptism and final rites all rolled up into one ceremony.

Islam has wiping out the infidel as a fundamental building block of the religion. Jihad. Those who reject the Truth deserve, and will be given, death. And dying while engaged in Jihad insures the faithful Muslimite of Salvation and never having to suffer blue balls ever again.

They aren't going to give up. You won't be able to reason with them. That's what being a fanatic is all about. So you better start thinking about being a fanatic when it comes to staying alive. Do something tomorrow about that particular goal, like buying another box of ammo or a 50 pound bag of pinto beans. Think of your future!!


ArtieLange said...


You continue to entertain me. If you don't mind I'd like to put a link to your blog at my site. People need to knwo about you.

Bert Bananas said...

Artie, I find that very encouraging and am now postponing the spectacular suicide I was planning for Labor Day. So now my continued living is on your conscience.

ArtieLange said...

you have a nice ass too?