Thursday, July 27, 2006

And I'm not even Gay!

Many sayings enter the language having been born as mistakes. I would now like to purposely introduce a new saying, which I accidentally made up, but very much want to see become a part of the language. It satisfies a need to say the right thing while at the same time, satisfying a need to avoid saying the wrong thing!

It would be impolite to use the phrase, "Up shit creek" in many social situations. But having now introduced my NEW phrase into the lexicon, we can get past this cultural bar.

"Up cheek creek"

Yep, I invented this phrase. In and of itself, it offers no harm. Substituting "cheek" for "shit" takes all the anti-social invective out of it. A Cardinal could whisper this to the Pope and not worry about his Holiness taking offense. "Oy vey, we're up cheek creek now, your Holiness!"

And then there is the very useful implied meaning of "Up cheek creek." Where does shit come from? From between your ass cheeks, of course! So "up cheek creek" implies an anatomically correct "up shit creek!" So my newly minted phrase, "Up Cheek Creek" can spin off and become an anthem for the gay community! As in, "We go up cheek creek."

Oh, Please, no need to thank me... Well, if you must, in lieu of flowers, I'd rather you donate to your local library in my name. Thank you.

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