Sunday, July 30, 2006


Frictionless in Gaza...

I revealed the existence of Laztheism in a comment on another blog. I shouldn't have, as Laztheists are not supposed to reveal Laztheism or themselves as Laztheists. The whole point is never to take action! But with the cat out of the bag, I need to make sure the record is straight. So here's the inside story on this remarkable way of life.

Laztheists are non-believers in god, who are too lazy to look for or need explanations about why the universe exists and what part Humanity plays in the Big Picture. It's enough that Laztheists are alive; explanations may be nice, but they are not necessary. After 180,000 years of existence, humanity is what it is. Whether we are doomed or will be Saved, my next meal is still of more importance.

Laztheists never get into religious discussions. Whether or not Laztheists believe in god is irrelevant. What really defines Laztheists is we don't go to church.

If you have to open your big yap and talk about your feelings about god, religion and worship, we just maintain eye contact and nod a lot. Laztheists always take the easy way out when it comes to religion, we have no beliefs, no preferences and no desires. The only need we feel when it comes to religion is to be left alone.

Applied Laztheism is very, very restful and soothing.


Anonymous said...

You deserve some comments Bert: "You comment on the banal with wit and wist."
There. (I think you must get several comments per post, only you read them then delete them out of modesty and a sense of high art. This is a test of my theory. I am usually wrong.)

Please keep up the good work.

Bert Bananas said...

I delete all posts in which buggery, mopery, whist (you JUST squeeked through!), low art (another close call!!) and my mother are mentioned.

Which leaves only what you see. What a sad commentary on blogkind.

ArtieLange said...

So that is why my posts never seem to make it! Somebody call the WAAAH-MBULANCE. I've been hurt.

Question: do you ever invoke god (any god, really) while cursing?

Bert Bananas said...

Artie, the limited cursing I do (in traffic and on the golf course NEVER involves a deity, any deity. That's basically because I lived a very disciplined youth and I'm not one to take chances, on a just-in-case basis.

By the way, I'm stealing Wah-mbulance. Thank you and good night.

Benedict S. said...

Does Laztheism have a priesthood? Sacraments? I would attempt to answer but prefer to leave matters of that sort to the bananaman, if he's not too "busy."

Bert Bananas said...

"Does Laztheism have a priesthood? Sacraments?"

Bennie&TheJets, Laztheism distinguishes itself by the absence of anything that resembles religious action or thought.

vq said...

As always, you leave me speechless. And typeless.

Mary Lois said...

According to Margaret Atwood's definition, Laztheism should be counted as a religion. It involves an unshakable belief. For more info on whether or not there is a god, Miss Atwood, Colin McGinn, and other brains have had little set-to's with Bill Moyers on PBS lately, and a few have slogged over to my blog for a minor slugfest.

Bert Bananas said...

Ms. Fair Hope, I'm certain it's obvious that Laztheists don't care what other people opine.

The Laztheist view is that there is no one keeping score and in no way, shape or form any final answers.

Brody Bond said...

I'm not a laztheist, although your conjecture was rather interesting. Your post here is interesting too, though, but I'm not sure if I'd want to follow it's ideas on a path toward meaning. I'm brand new to this blog thing, and I don't know how to see your replies should I forget to come check this post again. But, I wish you well, and please feel free to check out my blog whenever you like! Good night...