Tuesday, January 16, 2007

The Being of Not Being

This is what's called a logical closed loop. It has no start and no end. (Well, all except the part about the bridge being out...) The logical closed loop might as well not exist; if it vanished, none of us would miss it.

Humanity may be a logical closed loop. For sure you know people who only exist to prove they exist, who wouldn't be missed if they were gone.

Al Gore might be persuaded to take the view that the Earth wouldn't miss us if we, (humanity, not you and me) were gone. Eventually, when we get our space legs, we can say the same thing about the Earth.

Only the 'self-aware' can be aware of logical closed loops. It requires 'self-awareness' to appreciate that the logical closed loop stands by itself, doesn't need you, doesn't want you and doesn't even know you're there! And it certainly doesn't care that we can give it a name... A dog, not being 'self-aware,' could piss on the sign and have no other thought than that it was convenient. But the rest of us, we note it and we disapprove.

Know any good logical closed loops? And no fair naming a Deity currently out of favor.


Nessa said...

Like telling me hot coffee is hot? Can I get 5 million or has that ship sailed?

Bert Bananas said...

It's my opinion that the closed logical loop in your example is more properly stated as, "Hot coffee will burn you." Because unless it can burn you, it's not hot coffee, which can burn you, but it's not hot coffee unless it can burn you because . . .

In California there is no litigious ship that can't be made sea-worthy again.

Can I count on your vote?

Nessa said...

Absolutely. It's time we had someone actually yellow, not just metaphorically.