Sunday, December 31, 2006

One Heck of a Holiday

Here is a true statement: "One Heck of a Holiday" is a series of words that really have no certain meaning, absent the input that would come from either hearing it said in person, so you could judge the tone you heard and the images you took in of the utterer as the words were spoken.

It's not the words, it's the presentation.

And then you can't always trust the presentation.

This is why "Friends" are important. We trust friends to use easy words, with clear cut presentations,and we extend the same courtesies in return. If you've got someone in your life who is trying to pass as a "friend" but you can't always trust what he or she says or does, then that person is not a friend.

The more friends you make, the less effort you have to put into your daily communications, and thus your stress level is way below the norm. But you won't be "rich", whatever that really, really means, unless you're counting chips. Define 'rich' for me and you've defined yourself, as well.

Good night and don't drink and drive. Don't even putt.

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