Tuesday, December 19, 2006

Remember that song, "My Dingaling"?

Well, this song would be nothing like it...

I like to think I'm solid and secure about who I am, but I may be kidding myself. I would love to be this grounded, this secure, able to display My Dung and not feel the least bit uncomfortable about it. After all, it's a very natural process. You probably have your own dung, too!

Americans used to be a simple, good hearted people... Salt of the Earth, as the saying goes. But I think we've lost touch with our elemental humanity.

I bet you'll never see a My Dung store in any upscale mall. More's the pity...


L. said...

Well, Bert...FYI..I checked with my Vietnamese friend and found out that "my-dung" (pronounced "my dune")is actually the store owner's name... "Dung" is the last name and "my" is the middle name. They do not put their first names on a store sign.
The use of the little symbols over the letters can totally change the meaning of the name.
I also was told that many Vietnamese people share the same last name. My friend's mother and father had the same last name before they were married and that is not uncommon.
Interesting, eh?
: )

Bert Bananas said...


We can always use a little light shedding...

L. said...

Hi Bert....You asked what I got for Chanukah...Dave got me a new leather jacket and stainless cookware...just what I needed!: )

I am trying to imagine you singing the dreidle song...pretty impressive....you are a man of many talents! Your wife is a very lucky woman...

I hope that you don't find any coal in your stocking....and have a Merry Christmas and a Happy New Year.

Here's to more of your fascinating blog posts in 2007!

Take care, Grammie

Nessa said...

Oh, pooh, I missed all of the fun.

Bert Bananas said...

Ms. Nibbles, I have a high opinion of you and I bet you take fun with you wherever you go. Therefore you could NOT have missed ALL the fun, now could you?

Bert Bananas said...

Grammie, it just dawned on me!!! A Jewish kid who wanted to believe in Santa Claus would sit down to Hanukkah dinner and whisper to himself, "Next year at the North Pole..."