Sunday, June 15, 2008

Let's give a big round of applause . . .

Yep, let's hear it for me, for finding time to blogitate and bloviate about things near and dear to my underpants.

I've been busy. Which aside from not being a bad thing, eats up a guy's wakened hours. I don't seem to be doing much while sleeping, but I haven't watched the video yet, so I'm only offering this as a hypothesis. If it turns out that the video shows evidence to the contrary, I'll let you know.

Gas is in the $4.50 a gallon range. But I still only pay $40 when I go fill up. So you can see that except for the fact that I fill up twice as many times a week as before, the gas situation has not affected me in the slightest. Take that you oily speculators!

I've scheduled myself for voting for POTUS on 11-04-08. It's still a wide open field in terms of whose name I will be writing in. Those of you wishing my vote should send me a benefits prospectus. But I have to caution you that cartoon superheros have a decided edge; I've voted for Wonder Bra Woman in the last five POTUS elections. She has that certain je ne sais pas that really resonates with me. The thought of being tied up in the golden lasso of truth and telling her exactly what I want is making me feverish just typing it!

Because painting addresses on curbs has slowed down a bit, I've branched out to painting addresses on curves. There's some potential here! Isn't it amazing how adversity breeds innovation? Little know fact: Adversity was the impetus for breading cheap cuts of meat and frying the holy crap out of them. So adversity both breeds and breads, and maybe broads, innovation.


Anonymous said...

"On Quotaaaahhhh"

paperback reader said...

For finding the time to write, and actually knowing how, you're in the top 5% of Americans, sir.

Anonymous said...

mon chèr,

You know I love it when you talk the bad French like dat.

xo CD